Take charge of your financial life.

Woman smiling confidently into the camera against a blue, sunny Sydney sky
Fingerprint brand asset of Flourix Wealth showing customised advice

Financial planning and investing for women who don't settle for the status quo.

Let's get real about money

So here you are, glass of bubbly in hand, and let’s face it—money isn’t exactly your favourite happy hour topic. It's a bit icky to talk about and it's complicated.

But you want to get ahead, not just get by. Right? That means you need to make smart money choices, manage risks, and make sure you're really getting a good return on what you earn.

It’s a lot.

Here’s the thing: You’re not alone in this. We’re here to make money less daunting and more doable.

From financially frazzled to 'I've got this'

Let’s simplify things, figure out a plan that fits your life, and turn those financial what ifs into 'f yeahs'.

concentric circles meaning overwhelm icon

Lift the mental load

Overcome the overwhelm knowing you're ticking all the right boxes and considering every option.

Stacking boxes in priorities icon

Your priorities - your plan

Block out the buzz and align your financial decisions with what matters to you, not on what you think you 'should' be doing.

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That feeling of freedom

With the money side of your life sorted, you can focus on making memory dividends - the stuff that really matters.

Sydney Woman Financial Adviser Rachel OConnor sitting in a light-filled room holding a cup of tea

Hey there! I'm Rachel.

I'm determined to help more women thrive financially.

I know that the money world can feel intimidating with all the jargon and complexity. If you find yourself thinking you're 'bad with money', you're not alone.

Let’s change that!

At Flourix Wealth we're all about clear, elegantly simple financial advice. Advice that empowers you to be, see and do everything you want in life.

This is a judgement free zone where we take the dread and doubt out of finances and replace them with a sense of possibility, opportunity and freedom.

  • "Can't speak highly enough of Rachel and the team. Their comprehensive advice and support implementing our financial strategy has given us so much confidence. Thank you!"

    - Bronwyn

  • "Before working with Rachel, the one word I would use to describe my finances was ‘scary’.. Now, that one word would be ‘bright’."

    - Sarah

  • “Working with Rachel has built security – I now have peace of mind with my finances. I feel comfortable that I’m on track to achieve goals, and can deal with anything."

    - Kay

A fresh, female-focused approach to financial planning and investing

From untangling financial knots to collaborating with accountants, mortgage brokers, and solicitors, we make sure each piece of your financial puzzle fits just right and works for you in your everyday life.

Mature age, single woman looks into the distance after reading her book on a hammock

New beginnings

You're finding your feet again after a divorce or separation and are determined to build an amazing life where you feel financially secure.

Wife leaning into husband on couch while husband kisses her forehead

Making the money decisions

You're earning good money and you want to shift from feeling just "okay" about money to being completely confident and in control.

Woman walking while holding phone and coffee. Investing Beyond Superannuation

Investing with impact

Money is more than just numbers to you. You want to make sure your investments do good for the world and your wealth.

Whether you're climbing the career ladder, running your own show, the CFO of your household or flying solo, Flourix Wealth is here to give you that gentle nudge you need to move forward.

Rachel-O'Connor- Financial Advice to couple in Sydney office space

Ready to stop just getting by and start getting ahead?

Speech bubbles to conquer your financial life

1. Book a chat

Let's catch up for a 15-minute phone or virtual chat to figure out if we are the right fit to help you conquer your financial life.

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2. Make a plan

We'll find out where you are now, pinpoint your priorities and provide a quote to guide you on how to organise, invest and protect your money.

Diamond within a circle icon showing Financial Freedom

3. A life of 'yes'

Say yes to all the things that matter to you, knowing you're ticking all your financial boxes with focused, decisive confidence.