Easy to understand, unscary financial advice

Mum and Dad with 2 kids smiling against a sunny, Sydney day with Financial Security
Fingerprint brand asset of Flourix Wealth showing customised advice

Does this sound familiar?

  • You're earning decent money but don't feel like you're getting anywhere.

  • Sorting out your finances is on your list, but life keeps getting in the way.

  • You feel like you're late to the party and can't catch up.

  • You get a little knot in your stomach every time you swipe your card.

At Flourix Wealth, we're here to change the way you feel about your money, for the better.

Lift the mental money load. Move forward and make progress. Replace uncertainty with a newfound confidence.

Financial advice to fit where you're at in life

Whether you're making all the money decisions for your family, finding your feet again after a divorce or loss, or at that stage of life when you have more head space to think about yourself, we're here to guide you with empathy and expertise.

Put a plan in place to get what you want

Money can be messy and there are a lot of moving parts. With our Flourix financial framework, we piece together your financial life in a way that makes sense for you. So you can get off the financial gravitron and take action with a plan to get what you want.

Icon in a circle showing moves with arrows

Turn 'what ifs' into 'hell yeahs'

Goal Setting & Money Modeling

Forget those picture-perfect Instagram feeds. Let's talk about the life that actually lights you up. We're here to help you paint that picture of your bright and secure future, no filters needed.

Once we've got your big dreams in focus, we'll break them down into bite-sized goals that make you smile when you think about them. We'll crunch the numbers, take a look at 'what if' scenarios and see how different choices play out over time.

Calculator icon

Spend without the guilt trip.

Budgeting, Banking, Spending & Saving

Say goodbye to money stress and take control of how your money flows in and out. We'll help you create a cash flow system that doesn't feel like a diet.

We'll help you organise your bank accounts, turn saving into a habit and carve out a 'treat yourself' fund. No more financial walk of shame after a night out or online shopping splurge.

Pie chart showing adjusting your planning

Keep more of your hard-earned money.

Tax Planning

Let's face it, nobody enjoys paying taxes. We make sure your income, investments and assets are set-up the right way, so you're not paying more money to the ATO than you need to.

We know the legal ways to make tax rules work in your favour. And we stay on top of the constant changes, adjusting your plan as needed.

Clenched hand moving upwards icon

Power up your portfolio.

Investing Outside Super

We'll take the scary out of investing, showing you how to manage the risk so you can reap the rewards. We'll recommend the best mix of investment types—like direct shares, ETFs, and managed funds—and asset classes—like shares, cash, bonds, and property.

Once we've set you up, we don't just wave goodbye. We're in this for the long haul. We'll keep an eye on your portfolio, tweaking and adjusting as life happens. Your money will grow and change with you, without you having to lose sleep over it.

Scales with sustainability leaf and dollar money icon

Balance profit and purpose.

ESG Investing

The world's facing big challenges - climate change, social injustice, corporate greed. Your investments could be part of the solution, not the problem.

We'll help you put your money where your values are. Renewable energy? Women in leadership? Ethical practices? Check, check, check. We'll cut through the greenwashing, find authentic opportunities, and handle the complex stuff. Your portfolio will work as hard for your principles as it does for your profits.

Rainy day Umbrella icon

Sh*t happens. Be ready.


We insure our homes, cars, and fur babies without a second thought. But insuring our income? That's where people often hit the snooze button.

But we all know, life can be messy. Accidents happen, health hiccups pop up, and sometimes the unthinkable occurs. You need a safety net that keeps you from worrying about keeping a roof over your head.

We'll help you figure out exactly what insurance you need (no more, no less) and how much coverage makes sense for your life. We'll cut through the jargon, find you the best deal, and handle all the boring paperwork. And if you ever need to make a claim? We've got your back, from start to finish.

Egg in a nest with a dollar sign icon

Future you says thanks.


Though super may not seem sexy, it's likely going to be your largest or second largest asset (after or in-front of your home). So whether life on the other side of work is two years or twenty years away, your future self will high-five you for making smart super decisions now.

We'll make sure you've got the right fund and the right investments, you’re putting in the right amount, and that you're using all of the tax benefits available to you.

House icon with love heart inside

Savvy real estate moves.


Buying or selling a property is a big deal, involving eye-watering sums of money. For many of us, it's the largest transaction we'll ever make.

Whether you're eyeing your dream home or planning an investment, we'll help you figure out what you can actually afford, so you're not eating 2 minute noodles for the next 30 years. We'll guide you on saving for that deposit and the best way to structure and repay your loan. We'll walk you through each step, making the process as simple as possible.

Will and power of attorney Document with shield icon

The last word on legacy

Estate Planning

Thinking about what happens after you're gone isn't pleasant. But everyone, no matter how young or healthy, needs to be able to answer some big questions. Like who will look after my family if something happens to me? And how would they get by if I did die? Or if I suffered an injury or illness and couldn’t look after myself anymore, who would I trust to make important decisions for me?

We'll guide you through the process of answering these questions, working with solicitors to ensure your wishes are clearly documented and legally sound. With your affairs in order, you can go back to focusing on happier things.

From untangling financial knots to collaborating with accountants, mortgage brokers, and solicitors, we make sure each piece of your financial puzzle fits just right and works for you in your everyday life.

Rachel O'Connor providing Financial Planning with laptop and client in Sydney boardroom

How it works


A no-strings-attached 20-minute phone call or virtual chat to see if we're the right fit to help you take control of your financial life.


60-minute in-person or virtual meeting: We’ll sit down for a relaxed, no-pressure conversation to understand your financial situation right now and what you want your financial future to look like.

This is a completely non-judgemental process – there’s no right or wrong place to start, only your place to start.


We’ll dive into the numbers and create a clear, big-picture “money mud map”. We'll run through different options and paths, showing how each impacts your lifestyle.

Think of this like a road map for your financial reality.


We'll give you a clear financial action plan with precise steps, and wherever possible handle the heavy lifting to implement the recommendations. From start to finish, this process typically takes about six months. We're with you every step of the way to ensure it all comes together seamlessly.


6 month review: Let's make sure your financial plan is working in the real world.

12 month review and reset: A thorough check-in to see what's working, what's not and decide what you want to work towards in the next 12 months.

Around about every 3 years: A complete pull-apart to reassess and realign your financial plan with your evolving life.


We're here for you. Got a decision with a dollar sign? Give us a call, and we'll talk it through. Whether it’s about financial planning or just life’s little hurdles, we're cheering you on and here as your sounding board to bounce ideas.